April 2020 - Finding Meaning In the Second Half of Life

Get Ready!

This will be approximately 8 pages per day.

This is a very interesting book. Much of what he talks about aligns perfectly with my book but he approaches from a Jungian perspective.

Being a Ph.D. brings more credibility but the essence remains the same: It all begins with the self and to understand life’s meaning to you and create change in the desired direction of your life, you have to go to work on you.

Thank you to Edna Garcia for its recommendation. She states the book changed her life. Maybe it will for you too.

August - Jonathon Livingston Seagull

This month we read a classic with a message for us all. This is a short book and seeing us actually read it twice this month. The first time as we normally do. The second time, eliciting feedback from other members.

If you've never read, you will be amazed. If you have, I encourage you to join us again in doing so this month!

I ordered new for myself for this appears updated with a new section. Therefore, my references will be to this version. My original paperback is very worn as I've read this many times over forty-seven years.

May: The Magic of Believing - 6 pages per day

This book WILL fill you with belief!!!

First read this book last year and found it extremely impactful. 

It was recommended by Norman Vincent Peale in one of his books (one of my all time favorite authors - The Power of Positive Thinking). 

Available for Prime and just $5!  Click on book to order now!


February: Stay Alive All Your Life - 10 pages per day

Extremely excited to announce our book for February!

Many are familiar with Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking,” a staple into understanding how thinking differently can change your life.

“Stay Alive All Your Life," his sequel, is not readily known, however, it is a powerful read connecting the individual and the soul.

This book moved me in ways no other has to this day and am excited to read again with you all during February!

Ocotber - The Undefeated Mind (8 pages per day)

This is said to be a great book for new comers to self-help books.  This is a first time read for myself so extremely excited to be joining in with you! 

You can order easily through Amazon by clicking on the books image here:

Let's create a conversation below about your thoughts as you read!  You can also join us on Facebook