
Whether your own life, the lives of your family, your friends or work environment - it all begins with you.

One of the biggest challenges I believe we face today is people unwilling to take responsibility for everything in their life.

So life throws you a curve ball or real crappy life event. Someone’s bullying you or not treating you fairly or how you wish to be treated. So what.

In the end - anyone outside of you is not responsible for your life choice(s) - they reside solely with you. An incident from ten years ago, or just yesterday - it is only you who has the decision of how it will affect your life moving forward - not the other person(s) or circumstances - only you.

The more you step up and wrap your head around the fact that your life is your responsibility the quicker you will be in your desired journey in life.

“The leader of one, the leader of many. If I can’t lead one, I can’t lead any.”

If you allow only events to shape you, you are being shaped and not creating the shaping of who you are or will be. Be the greatest leader you can and it begins with leading yourself to your own victory!

I Can Do!

Life is a series of choices. People already tell me, “Well I can’t have what you have.” Quite frankly any such iteration of that line is a lie they tell themselves to justify their life choices.

True, not everyone can be a fighter pilot or a surgeon or other high level technical type profession, but everyone can improve upon themselves - but most choose not too.

Rather than participating IN life, many choose to be the spectator. Rather than going the extra mile they do enough to get by.

Most people do not get what it took for me to achieve what I have in life. I have a desire to be IN the game of life and am willing to put in the extra effort NOW (in whatever that may be) so I enjoy the fruits later.

"What happens on weekends and between 6pm and 9am directly affects a person's performance from 9am to 6pm. The person with a constructive off-the-job life nearly always is more successful than the person who lives in a full, dreary home situation."

~Dr. David Schwartz (The Magic of Thinking Big)

{A treasured book}

Masterful Leadership


Vince Lombardi was one of the greatest coaches to emerge way before there were great coaches and still modeled today.

His secret was in motivating and inspiring his players to rise to the very best of their abilities while focusing on the team as a whole. This is an art of masterful leadership.

Each of us has the ability to be our very best each day. And what’s the payoff?

Higher self-esteem, greater self-worth, improved self-discipline, and the deserving of success. On a larger scale, you uplift, inspire, and provide hope to all others around you.