

It begins with a burning desire of a greater future that no one suggested but came from within. Your vision, your passion sets the stage for your determination to make things happen in your life. We are the masters of our destiny in a world of infinite possibilities - it’s not about what’s out there but what’s inside of you.

Get out of the “blame game” and take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Bad things occur we have no control over - how we deal with these establishes our character. If the vision is grand enough, and we do not allow ourselves to be attached to the outcome, setbacks teach us wisdom and bring us steps closer to the dream.

Too often people get too discouraged when things go “wrong” because they are attached. But when you let go of that attachment, and see setbacks as learnings, tools added to your toolbox of knowledge and wisdom, it’s because your vision is greater than disappointments and success is nearing.

Move Forward


Keep in mind none of us are perfect. This is why Jesus came to this world - he didn't come for the righteous; he came to heal those who were not.

Regardless of the errors of the past, this is a new moment in your life. Remember, this is your first time at this life of yours and like with anything else, mistakes will be made.

Don't let them tear you down but serve as increased knowledge and wisdom of what not to do, or didn't go so well for your life -- and ALSO, remember to reward your soul with those greater things you've done right!


Be willing to laugh - especially at yourself.
And I love all of you folks with a sense of humor that brighten my day! Your creativity brings new light to an often bitter world. Thank you for spreading your joy ❤️

This is a custom, one of a kind Schwinn 7’ Unicycle created by my Dad. I sat there and watched him sketch out the initial drawing on our kitchen table after I bent a shorter one he had brought home from Japan for me to try. He said, “What garbage.” And we went inside and he created the Schwinn Giraffe - this was a prototype but they decided to go with the shorter version for production.


Success can be defined in many ways but for me nothing spells success more than setting a personal vision and accomplishing it.

It is personal and not communal. It is a reward from the inside out rather than acclaim and fortune. However you decide may you achieve the success you seek. 💝

This is from my devotional this morning and how appropriate to this post:

“Henry Ford went broke five times before he succeeded in business. Albert Einstein didn’t speak until he was four, didn’t read until he was seven, and was considered “mentally slow” by his teacher.

“The famous sculptor, Rodin, was thought to be an idiot by his father. Walt Disney was fired for a lack of creativity. Lombardi was accused of a lack of motivation [seriously?!]. Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade. Abraham Lincoln’s resume is one long trail of failures and disappointment. Fred Astaire was considered an average dancer and screen test failure. Rocky Marciano couldn’t make it in baseball.

IBM passed when first offered the photocopier (so did Kodak and RCA). Cheese, penicillin, paper towels, and aspirin were all by-products of mistakes [yellow sticky notes too!].

“History proves time and time again the number one qualifier for outstanding achievement is failure.

“We all fall down, but we mustn’t stay down. Every failure is an opportunity to begin again in a wiser fashion. We have more going for us than the formidable than the human spirit. We have the help of the Holy Spirit.

“Get up! Get moving! Quit whining! Seek guidance, and live your life to exceed every ody’s expectations.”



The world is energy - your vibrational flow is key to everything in your world. How you experience life on a day to day basis is directly linked to whether you are vibrating at a high or low state.

Here are some simple ways to protect your vibe - not mine but a great start. Keep your eye on the vision - steer clear of the past - especially that which does not serve you!

Step by Step

Success is a process;
So is life ❤

"Life is not a trip in itself.
It is not a goal.
It's a process.

You get there step by step by step by step.

And if every step is wondrous, and every step is magical, that's what life will be.

And you'll never be one of those people who reach the point of death without ever having lived. Because you've never missed a thing."

~Leo Buscaglia


The depths of "life" is so resilient - it always finds a way to keep living and evolving. 

Last year in June we had a scary moment when a fire near our home began raging out of control. It eventually took air support to wipe it out as its path was moving directly towards our home. 

The other day driving past the burnt area I noticed this lone Sun Flower standing tall amongst the ruins. The trees were also alive with the sound of termites eating up the decaying wood. 

How fascinating life is. It always finds a way to keep pressing on.