Love is essential - and it starts at home. But there is no greater Love than God’s Love. Build the foundation at home and welcome God into your life.

During a conversation with a friend (single mom, two girls ages 13 & 15) we were talking about another teenager and why & how well grounded he is. I've always said the two most important ingredients in raising healthy kids is open communication and love. They must know they are loved and an open doorway to respectful communication is ever present.

During this conversation it dawned on me why the love is so essential: if they've never known love in their formative years then they will accept less than love from another in the future and difficult to recognize true love from another. They may in fact actually RESIST it! But, raised knowing love, experiencing less than love in the real world is instantly recognizable. Less than love can then be easily turned away when it shows up.

Knowing love early and throughout childhood is essential and more effectively prepares the child for the challenges of the "real world."

Living in Alignment


What does it mean to live in alignment?

It means you live your inner purpose in daily joy. As I speak to in my book - joy comes from within and to find that joy you must first fall back in love with your inner being - the happy baby - born in God’s love.

Once you find that inner peace, that deep connection of love, you begin to understand nothing out there can affect your inner joy. You take yourself, others, and life’s experiences far less seriously. As a result you find yourself living in alignment and attract happiness from all around you. You see the beauty in the littlest things and happenings in your life. And when tragedy strikes, because you are in alignment, you can move through it without anger or feeling repressed because you are at peace

It is a beautiful place to live!

Spread Love


Take a moment to appreciate all in your life. As we are learning in our book of the month, “Man’s Search For Meaning,” without suffering we cannot experience meaning.

Life is about living; it’s not all ‘roses’ yet each experience brings with it even greater meaning to one’s life. Discover your deepest inner love and spread it amongst the world. God knows the world needs each of our love spread to others.

Move Forward


Keep in mind none of us are perfect. This is why Jesus came to this world - he didn't come for the righteous; he came to heal those who were not.

Regardless of the errors of the past, this is a new moment in your life. Remember, this is your first time at this life of yours and like with anything else, mistakes will be made.

Don't let them tear you down but serve as increased knowledge and wisdom of what not to do, or didn't go so well for your life -- and ALSO, remember to reward your soul with those greater things you've done right!

Love Your Self


Love your self.

This is not about arrogance or ego. This is about loving your soul, your spirit, your I Am and being grateful for your creator and all you are. Give yourself the opportunity to shine light unto this world as no other possibly can.

That inner being that is you, is unique - like the snowflake, no two are alike.

Truth is Within You


We live in a society in constant need of approval from “out there” which can never satisfy the soul within.

The “joy” of life is a spiritual connection with one’s I Am and not the approval of another person or society. Sure, such can uplift the ego but the ego is not your true essence. That resides between you and you (or for me, me and God).

From that place your true path, gifts, and purpose emerge. And from their you not only attract all you ever wished for in life but also extreme happiness 💝


Be willing to laugh - especially at yourself.
And I love all of you folks with a sense of humor that brighten my day! Your creativity brings new light to an often bitter world. Thank you for spreading your joy ❤️

This is a custom, one of a kind Schwinn 7’ Unicycle created by my Dad. I sat there and watched him sketch out the initial drawing on our kitchen table after I bent a shorter one he had brought home from Japan for me to try. He said, “What garbage.” And we went inside and he created the Schwinn Giraffe - this was a prototype but they decided to go with the shorter version for production.



Our language is powerful! And none greater than our self-talk. Our language tells us much of what’s going on within our own minds.

The more aware you are of the thoughts and words you use, the better you understand “you” on a daily basis.

Some of the greatest influence we have is with the young.

Be mindful of your words and actions for the subconscious mind of the child is being programmed directly by what you feed it.

During the imprinting years (roughly 0-7) there is a direct connection to the subconscious mind.

It is direct access without any filters. It's like being on the world wide web with no firewall, anti-virus, malware protection of any kind.



Wishing you a beautiful Sunday fulfilled with love and gratitude. 💝

Earlier in the week, my daily devotional had this sentence: “Cursed is all learning that does not point to the cross of Jesus Christ.” What a profound statement. But when I learned this was written in Princeton’s original charter I was amazed at how far we have come to remove God from our society in many different ways. Of course, it’s no longer a statement in their charter. 

That sent me searching and looking up all sorts of fascinating factoids last night which eventually led me to the meme’s quote - and it filled me with glee.



The world is energy - your vibrational flow is key to everything in your world. How you experience life on a day to day basis is directly linked to whether you are vibrating at a high or low state.

Here are some simple ways to protect your vibe - not mine but a great start. Keep your eye on the vision - steer clear of the past - especially that which does not serve you!

Beyond Your Limitations

F16 meme.jpg

Go beyond your comfort zone; spread your wings and fly. Soar above the limiting you and express yourself to the world.
You are that special 💝

And yes, I miss flying that plane, the F-16, so very much. It was a part of me and at times defined me. In doing so that also limited me.

No longer. It was a phenomenal 19 year experience - one nothing else can replace - its memories built wisdom that propels my future course. Don’t hold onto the past. Allow yourself to grow from it and become an even greater you 👍🏻😃

Water Your Roots


True transformation takes place beneath all unwanted behaviors and experiences. Layers and layers of living cloud the vision of your true essence. Too often we look at the leaves, the cosmetic surface for change - but that is not lasting.

Watering your roots means nurturing your soul, your internal being, your 'I Am' in new ways allowing your authentic truth to emerge from the inside out; allowing you to feel, see, and share with the world the magnificence you truly are.