Your Soul is Love

Always remember your are love at your core. No hate, no anger, no doubt, no sadness, and no fear. 

These emotions cloud your true essence. When you feel a negative emotion gaining traction - STOP AND PAUSE. 

Remove yourself from whatever spurred the emotion, find  a quiet place if possible, and begin focusing on your breath.

Count your breaths - inhale, 1, I Am Love; exhale 2, I Am Love;  inhale 3, I Am Love; exhale 4, I Am Love... All the way to ten.

And here is the KEY: IF you loose track of focusing on the breath alone (for you will) and your mind drifts to anything else - once you catch yourself doing that, START OVER!

Once you do make it to 10, repeat until fully relaxed and back in alignment. 

Within a  minute or two you will find yourself back in calmness. Why? Because you are reconnecting with who you TRULY are - LOVE

❤️ ~Namaste~