Deserving of Success


How little this is understood today. In the "instant everything” we are surrounded by, so many are of the belief they should have things handed to them, or that success comes without real effort.

One fact of life will never change, even if you get "lucky" with instant success, your true self-esteem won't be lifted from the inside until you reach that point where you feel you are "deserving" of success. And to get to that point requires focused discipline and a solid work ethic.

Water Your Roots


True transformation takes place beneath all unwanted behaviors and experiences. Layers and layers of living cloud the vision of your true essence. Too often we look at the leaves, the cosmetic surface for change - but that is not lasting.

Watering your roots means nurturing your soul, your internal being, your 'I Am' in new ways allowing your authentic truth to emerge from the inside out; allowing you to feel, see, and share with the world the magnificence you truly are.