
Whether your own life, the lives of your family, your friends or work environment - it all begins with you.

One of the biggest challenges I believe we face today is people unwilling to take responsibility for everything in their life.

So life throws you a curve ball or real crappy life event. Someone’s bullying you or not treating you fairly or how you wish to be treated. So what.

In the end - anyone outside of you is not responsible for your life choice(s) - they reside solely with you. An incident from ten years ago, or just yesterday - it is only you who has the decision of how it will affect your life moving forward - not the other person(s) or circumstances - only you.

The more you step up and wrap your head around the fact that your life is your responsibility the quicker you will be in your desired journey in life.

“The leader of one, the leader of many. If I can’t lead one, I can’t lead any.”

If you allow only events to shape you, you are being shaped and not creating the shaping of who you are or will be. Be the greatest leader you can and it begins with leading yourself to your own victory!

I Can Do!

Life is a series of choices. People already tell me, “Well I can’t have what you have.” Quite frankly any such iteration of that line is a lie they tell themselves to justify their life choices.

True, not everyone can be a fighter pilot or a surgeon or other high level technical type profession, but everyone can improve upon themselves - but most choose not too.

Rather than participating IN life, many choose to be the spectator. Rather than going the extra mile they do enough to get by.

Most people do not get what it took for me to achieve what I have in life. I have a desire to be IN the game of life and am willing to put in the extra effort NOW (in whatever that may be) so I enjoy the fruits later.

"What happens on weekends and between 6pm and 9am directly affects a person's performance from 9am to 6pm. The person with a constructive off-the-job life nearly always is more successful than the person who lives in a full, dreary home situation."

~Dr. David Schwartz (The Magic of Thinking Big)

{A treasured book}

Love is essential - and it starts at home. But there is no greater Love than God’s Love. Build the foundation at home and welcome God into your life.

During a conversation with a friend (single mom, two girls ages 13 & 15) we were talking about another teenager and why & how well grounded he is. I've always said the two most important ingredients in raising healthy kids is open communication and love. They must know they are loved and an open doorway to respectful communication is ever present.

During this conversation it dawned on me why the love is so essential: if they've never known love in their formative years then they will accept less than love from another in the future and difficult to recognize true love from another. They may in fact actually RESIST it! But, raised knowing love, experiencing less than love in the real world is instantly recognizable. Less than love can then be easily turned away when it shows up.

Knowing love early and throughout childhood is essential and more effectively prepares the child for the challenges of the "real world."



It begins with a burning desire of a greater future that no one suggested but came from within. Your vision, your passion sets the stage for your determination to make things happen in your life. We are the masters of our destiny in a world of infinite possibilities - it’s not about what’s out there but what’s inside of you.

Get out of the “blame game” and take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Bad things occur we have no control over - how we deal with these establishes our character. If the vision is grand enough, and we do not allow ourselves to be attached to the outcome, setbacks teach us wisdom and bring us steps closer to the dream.

Too often people get too discouraged when things go “wrong” because they are attached. But when you let go of that attachment, and see setbacks as learnings, tools added to your toolbox of knowledge and wisdom, it’s because your vision is greater than disappointments and success is nearing.

Living in Alignment


What does it mean to live in alignment?

It means you live your inner purpose in daily joy. As I speak to in my book - joy comes from within and to find that joy you must first fall back in love with your inner being - the happy baby - born in God’s love.

Once you find that inner peace, that deep connection of love, you begin to understand nothing out there can affect your inner joy. You take yourself, others, and life’s experiences far less seriously. As a result you find yourself living in alignment and attract happiness from all around you. You see the beauty in the littlest things and happenings in your life. And when tragedy strikes, because you are in alignment, you can move through it without anger or feeling repressed because you are at peace

It is a beautiful place to live!

Spread Love


Take a moment to appreciate all in your life. As we are learning in our book of the month, “Man’s Search For Meaning,” without suffering we cannot experience meaning.

Life is about living; it’s not all ‘roses’ yet each experience brings with it even greater meaning to one’s life. Discover your deepest inner love and spread it amongst the world. God knows the world needs each of our love spread to others.

Move Forward


Keep in mind none of us are perfect. This is why Jesus came to this world - he didn't come for the righteous; he came to heal those who were not.

Regardless of the errors of the past, this is a new moment in your life. Remember, this is your first time at this life of yours and like with anything else, mistakes will be made.

Don't let them tear you down but serve as increased knowledge and wisdom of what not to do, or didn't go so well for your life -- and ALSO, remember to reward your soul with those greater things you've done right!

Love Your Self


Love your self.

This is not about arrogance or ego. This is about loving your soul, your spirit, your I Am and being grateful for your creator and all you are. Give yourself the opportunity to shine light unto this world as no other possibly can.

That inner being that is you, is unique - like the snowflake, no two are alike.

Succes On Purpose


Success in any endeavor doesn’t just happen. The reward isn’t in the fame either. It’s in knowing you showed up and gave your very best each year, each month, each day, each moment.

It’s learning to work with others while not allowing them to drag you down. Knowing who to allow into your inner circle while working as a team. You cannot win the big game alone but you can lead them there with your conviction to excellence.

You Create Your Reality


Freeing “blocked” pathways allows feeling your inner beauty, becoming even more enlightened and evolved, to live life with your greatest joy and happiness, fulfilling your personal vision and dreams. 

Here’s my belief which runs throughout my book:

We are born in love and then life happens and for most, we become disconnected, and for some even detached from our I AM, that who we truly are. As a result, we fall out of love with ourselves. Diving deep into the subconscious mind, old programming that no longer serves us can be updated to that which actually serves the body and mind in new healthy ways. It is freedom from the clutches of lack of self-worth. Now, we fall in love with ourselves again at every level. This allows ourselves to reconnect with the Devine self and in the process we re-connect with our “I Am.”

The end result? We find the peace we’ve been searching for.

Truth is Within You


We live in a society in constant need of approval from “out there” which can never satisfy the soul within.

The “joy” of life is a spiritual connection with one’s I Am and not the approval of another person or society. Sure, such can uplift the ego but the ego is not your true essence. That resides between you and you (or for me, me and God).

From that place your true path, gifts, and purpose emerge. And from their you not only attract all you ever wished for in life but also extreme happiness 💝



What do you typically see first?
Possibilities? or Obstacles?

Do you first feel how you can accomplish?
Or are you faced with the “I can’t?”

We live in a world of infinite possibilities in the greatest land to make dreams a reality. 

If not already, train yourself to first ask,
“How can I?” and act upon your vision 💝