

It begins with a burning desire of a greater future that no one suggested but came from within. Your vision, your passion sets the stage for your determination to make things happen in your life. We are the masters of our destiny in a world of infinite possibilities - it’s not about what’s out there but what’s inside of you.

Get out of the “blame game” and take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Bad things occur we have no control over - how we deal with these establishes our character. If the vision is grand enough, and we do not allow ourselves to be attached to the outcome, setbacks teach us wisdom and bring us steps closer to the dream.

Too often people get too discouraged when things go “wrong” because they are attached. But when you let go of that attachment, and see setbacks as learnings, tools added to your toolbox of knowledge and wisdom, it’s because your vision is greater than disappointments and success is nearing.

Living in Alignment


What does it mean to live in alignment?

It means you live your inner purpose in daily joy. As I speak to in my book - joy comes from within and to find that joy you must first fall back in love with your inner being - the happy baby - born in God’s love.

Once you find that inner peace, that deep connection of love, you begin to understand nothing out there can affect your inner joy. You take yourself, others, and life’s experiences far less seriously. As a result you find yourself living in alignment and attract happiness from all around you. You see the beauty in the littlest things and happenings in your life. And when tragedy strikes, because you are in alignment, you can move through it without anger or feeling repressed because you are at peace

It is a beautiful place to live!

Spread Love


Take a moment to appreciate all in your life. As we are learning in our book of the month, “Man’s Search For Meaning,” without suffering we cannot experience meaning.

Life is about living; it’s not all ‘roses’ yet each experience brings with it even greater meaning to one’s life. Discover your deepest inner love and spread it amongst the world. God knows the world needs each of our love spread to others.

Truth is Within You


We live in a society in constant need of approval from “out there” which can never satisfy the soul within.

The “joy” of life is a spiritual connection with one’s I Am and not the approval of another person or society. Sure, such can uplift the ego but the ego is not your true essence. That resides between you and you (or for me, me and God).

From that place your true path, gifts, and purpose emerge. And from their you not only attract all you ever wished for in life but also extreme happiness 💝



What do you typically see first?
Possibilities? or Obstacles?

Do you first feel how you can accomplish?
Or are you faced with the “I can’t?”

We live in a world of infinite possibilities in the greatest land to make dreams a reality. 

If not already, train yourself to first ask,
“How can I?” and act upon your vision 💝

Patience vs Wisdom


I love how memes can paint the perfect picture!!!

A little patience will take you far in life. In this 'must have it now mindset,' a lack of patience can often lead to our greatest demise. True "Success" does not happen overnight. It takes discipline, work ethic, and diligence. What is gained along the way with the patience of maturing in a venture is wisdom.

Jump in and learn as much as you can when beginning a new adventure but also listen to the wisdom of those who've travelled before you. Allow time for your growth and greater understanding. Learn from the masters in your field to enable your path to be just a little bit straighter.


An acquaintance proposed this question of what is the difference between noticing and judging? I found it interesting but even more so were the varied responses.

As I thought about it myself, I came up with this version of an answer. We are each our own individual. Not one of us is perfect. We each have our own flaws. But when we judge others by our standards we fail not only valuing the other individual but we also fail ourselves.

For in judging we are comparing and this means we are searching for value outside ourselves. This will never work. Observe others to learn from them but comparing yourself (better or worse) leads only to narcissism on the one hand or a pitfall of dispair on the other.

You are you and there is only one of you. You have skills and talents no one else does. Focus on becoming the very best version of you there is and watch the planets align in your favor. Leave judging to the higher power.


Be willing to laugh - especially at yourself.
And I love all of you folks with a sense of humor that brighten my day! Your creativity brings new light to an often bitter world. Thank you for spreading your joy ❤️

This is a custom, one of a kind Schwinn 7’ Unicycle created by my Dad. I sat there and watched him sketch out the initial drawing on our kitchen table after I bent a shorter one he had brought home from Japan for me to try. He said, “What garbage.” And we went inside and he created the Schwinn Giraffe - this was a prototype but they decided to go with the shorter version for production.


Success can be defined in many ways but for me nothing spells success more than setting a personal vision and accomplishing it.

It is personal and not communal. It is a reward from the inside out rather than acclaim and fortune. However you decide may you achieve the success you seek. 💝

This is from my devotional this morning and how appropriate to this post:

“Henry Ford went broke five times before he succeeded in business. Albert Einstein didn’t speak until he was four, didn’t read until he was seven, and was considered “mentally slow” by his teacher.

“The famous sculptor, Rodin, was thought to be an idiot by his father. Walt Disney was fired for a lack of creativity. Lombardi was accused of a lack of motivation [seriously?!]. Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade. Abraham Lincoln’s resume is one long trail of failures and disappointment. Fred Astaire was considered an average dancer and screen test failure. Rocky Marciano couldn’t make it in baseball.

IBM passed when first offered the photocopier (so did Kodak and RCA). Cheese, penicillin, paper towels, and aspirin were all by-products of mistakes [yellow sticky notes too!].

“History proves time and time again the number one qualifier for outstanding achievement is failure.

“We all fall down, but we mustn’t stay down. Every failure is an opportunity to begin again in a wiser fashion. We have more going for us than the formidable than the human spirit. We have the help of the Holy Spirit.

“Get up! Get moving! Quit whining! Seek guidance, and live your life to exceed every ody’s expectations.”

Deserving of Success


How little this is understood today. In the "instant everything” we are surrounded by, so many are of the belief they should have things handed to them, or that success comes without real effort.

One fact of life will never change, even if you get "lucky" with instant success, your true self-esteem won't be lifted from the inside until you reach that point where you feel you are "deserving" of success. And to get to that point requires focused discipline and a solid work ethic.

Masterful Leadership


Vince Lombardi was one of the greatest coaches to emerge way before there were great coaches and still modeled today.

His secret was in motivating and inspiring his players to rise to the very best of their abilities while focusing on the team as a whole. This is an art of masterful leadership.

Each of us has the ability to be our very best each day. And what’s the payoff?

Higher self-esteem, greater self-worth, improved self-discipline, and the deserving of success. On a larger scale, you uplift, inspire, and provide hope to all others around you.



The world is energy - your vibrational flow is key to everything in your world. How you experience life on a day to day basis is directly linked to whether you are vibrating at a high or low state.

Here are some simple ways to protect your vibe - not mine but a great start. Keep your eye on the vision - steer clear of the past - especially that which does not serve you!